Nvivo 12 Free Trial

  • A quick guide or refresher on how to use NVivo. Demonstrated on NVivo 12 in Windows but could be quite useful for users of NVivo 11, 10 and 9 when you move o.
  • NVivo is available as a 12-month student license. This licence will be available for Microsoft® Windows® and Apple® Mac OS® and will include a subscription to NVivo-Office integration for the first 12 months. License Type: Single User Perpetual License Delivery Type: myNvivo Portal. Students are limited to one license per transaction. Licenses are valid for 12 months and you must have a.

NVivo NVivo 12 is the most powerful software for gaining richer insights from qualitative and mixed-methods data. NVivo is available for Mac and Windows, and offers online trainings for their software. NVivo allows you to not only produce qualitative and mixed methods analysis, but will exchange data with SPSS for further statistical analysis. Please work with.

NVivo 12 Mac

Nvivo 12 Free Trial Version

This topic includes information about installation and activation of NVivo Mac across a network.

In this topic

Installing NVivo Mac across a network

You can install NVivo Mac across a network using the software distribution methods that are available for your site. For example, we are aware that some site administrators have used the following:

  • Casper Suite

  • Apple Remote Desktop

  • Munki

  • FileWave


  • QSR International has not verified the above deployment methods and we do not provide technical support for them.

  • Each installation of NVivo for Mac requires a license key and also needs to be activated.

  • You can also perform an unattended activation.

  • You can download the latest version of NVivo Mac from https://www.qsrinternational.com/support_downloads.aspx.

Unattended activation

You can activate the license via the Internet using a shell script and an activation file. A valid license key is required for this process. You must have administrator privileges.

The following commands need to be run on each computer you intend to activate:

  1. Navigate to the location of the NVivo executable file—for example:

cd '/Applications/NVivo 12.app/Contents/MacOs'

  1. Initialize and activate the license key using the following command:

sudo './NVivo 12' -initialize <license key> -activate <activation filename>

This command performs a silent product initialization using the specified license key and the activation details in the specified activation file. Refer to Activation file format for details on the content and format of the activation file.


  • Enter the license key in the following format: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

  • If you want to use NVivo as a free trial, you can use the '-initialize' parameter without a license key.

  • Angle brackets < > indicate that the enclosed element is mandatory. You need to replace the text within the angle brackets with relevant information. Do not type the angle brackets themselves in the command line.

Activation file format

You need to provide a valid activation file when performing an unattended activation.

IMPORTANT Make sure the document format is plain text before pasting the sample content into the editor.

To create an activation file:

Nvivo 12 Free Trial

  1. Open TextEdit.

  2. Select Format > Make Plain Text.

  3. Copy and paste the text below into the editor.

  4. Set the values within the tags.

  5. Save as a plain text file with UTF-8 encoding.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>





<Email>[email protected]</Email>



<JobTitle>Your Job Title</JobTitle>

<Sector>Your Sector</Sector>

<Industry>Your Industry</Industry>

<Role>Your Role</Role>

<Department>Your Department</Department>

<Organization>Your Organization</Organization>






You can also download a zip file containing the sample activation file. Extract the file and then open it in your text editor.

NOTE You must observe the following rules, or the activation will fail:

  • Fields in bold are mandatory.

  • State is a mandatory field if you set the country field to USA, Canada or Australia.

  • You must use a valid email address.

  • You must use abbreviations for the following countries:

  • For United States of America, use USA

  • For United Kingdom, use UK

  • For all other countries, capitalize the first letter of each word—for example, 'Mexico' or 'New Zealand'. Refer to the list of accepted country names for the specific format and spelling for your country name.

Unattended license replacement

If your site has been issued multiple NVivo license keys and you encounter problems activating a particular license key—for example, if a license key has expired or has been activated too many times—then, you can use a different license key instead. You can replace an unactivated license.

To perform an unactivated license replacement:

  1. Navigate to the location of the NVivo executable file—for example:

cd '/Applications/NVivo 12.app/Contents/MacOs'

  1. Replace and activate the license key using the following command:

sudo './NVivo 12' -initialize <license key> -activate <activation filename>


Nvivo 12 Free Trial
  • For information on the content and format of the activation file, refer to Activation file format.

  • Only unactivated license keys can be replaced.

  • Angle brackets < > indicate that the enclosed element is mandatory. You need to replace the text within the angle brackets with relevant information. Do not type the angle brackets themselves in the command line.

Nvivo 12 Free Trial 90 Days

Unattended license deactivation

You can deactivate NVivo via the Internet using a shell script. The following script needs to be run on each computer you want to deactivate:

To perform unattended deactivation:

  1. Navigate to the location of the NVivo executable file—for example:

cd '/Applications/NVivo 12.app/Contents/MacOs'

  1. Deactivate the license key using the following command:

sudo './NVivo 12' -deactivate

This command performs a ‘silent’ deactivation of the NVivo license.

Controlling Automatic Update Checks

By default NVivo will automatically check for updates. You can enable or disable this feature on a per user basis via the command line. If you disable automatic update checks, you will still be able to manually select Check for Updates to see if any updates are available.

To disable automatic update checking, on the command line, type:

defaults write com.qsrinternational.NVivo-12 SUEnableAutomaticChecks -bool false

To enable automatic update checking, on the command line, type:

Nvivo 12 Download Free

defaults delete com.qsrinternational.NVivo-12 DisableAutomaticUpdateCheck